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Doujutu information Empty Doujutu information

Post  Steliana96 Fri May 09, 2008 5:08 pm

Doujutsu Information
This subcategory is not one of the main skill arts. This jutsu ability stems from the unique qualities of the users genetics. Doujutsu techniques involve jutsu ability found inherent in the eye that do not involve hand seals. Doujutsu techniques have several abilities. It gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. It also gives one the ability to cast jutsu techniques only possible by possessing the eye. The primary users of Doujutsu are the Uchiha Clan, the holders of the Sharingan eye.

Byakugan - White Eye (Hyuuga Clan)
Character Use: Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hiashi, Hyuuga Hanabi
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Byakugan is the blood inheritance limit of the Hyuuga Clan. The Hyuuga clan was one of the founding noble families of Leaf village. The clan itself is said to be the ancestors of the Uchiha clan who possess the bloodline of the Sharingan eye. When the "Byakugan" is activated, the clan member gains an extra-sensory perception, which gives them penetrating sight and telescopic vision. This allows them to see the tenketsu; the internal chakra coils system 361 pressure points. This vision also grants the member a near 360° view of their surroundings, the higher the skill of the clan member, the further the distance from which they can sense incoming attacks. Unfortunately the vision does have a weakness, a small blind spot that extends outwards from the vertebra of the upper back.

The clan uses this ability in conjunction with their own chakra creating the Juuken (gentle fist) fighting style. The clan member can use their fingers or palms to emit chakra to flow into their opponents body's at the tenketsu points. When the hand draws close enough to strike, the clan member can stop or increase their opponent’s chakra flow. The internal chakra coils which spread throughout the body also wrap around the internal chakra producing organs. So if the internal coils are attacked, it also damages these internal organs. Because a ninja can not train their internal body, such damage can be a critical hit for even a highly skilled ninja. The tenketsu serve as the connectors and exit points for the chakra pathways. So when they are stopped by the Hyuuga clan member, the ninja greatly loses his or her ability to utilize their chakra for jutsu.

Mangekyou Sharingan - Kaleidoscope Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)
Character Use: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara's Brother
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Mangekyou Sharingan is a legendary doujutsu ability which has only emerged in a few clan members in its history. There is still mystery surrounding the eye and the Uchiha clan itself. Each user develops their own unique looking Mangekyou. The requirements for gaining the Mangekyou are very controversial in nature. After Uchiha Itachi murdered his best friend Shisui he gained Mangekyou. He told his younger brother Sasuke that to gain the Mangekyou, he too would have to kill his closest friend. Itachi told Sasuke that a scroll in their clan shrine revealed the true original purpose of the clan doujutsu. This scroll and Itachi himself revealed that the former leader of their clan, Uchiha Madara and his younger brother were the first to obtain Mangekyou. Madara himself did this by killing his friend, it's assumed his brother also killed a close comrade.

Usage of the Mangekyou techniques drains quite a bit of a user’s chakra, more so than any other normal technique. Also as a result of Mangekyou usage, the bearer will slowly lose their vision. Madara lost his vision before his brother and sought to regain his power. To do so he removed his brother's eyes and made them his own. With these new eyes, his Mangekyou took on a combined appearance of his original Mangekyou and his brother's. These "Eternal" Mangekyou eyes returned his vision and gave him unbelievable strength. With this strength it was said Madara used Sharingan's normal ability to supress the Kyuubi and tame it.

Itachi originally told Sasuke that if he gained the Mangekyou, then there would be three people who could handle it. After the time skip in the series, Hatake Kakashi revealed he too had gained Mangekyou Sharingan. Later it was revealed that Uchiha Madara himself was still alive, and was the "third" user in Itachi's statement. What part, if any, that Kakashi and Uchiha Obito's eye plays has yet to be determined.

Itachi's three named Mangekyou techniques are Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, all mythological deities. Kakashi's Mangekyou technique has not yet been named.

The Amaterasu or Goddess of the Sun technique is generated by the right Mangekyou eye. It is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to create a powerful black fire which can burn through most anything. As it has been said that anything within the Mangekyou's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire itself is said to burn for 7 days and 7 nights. The fire is also regarded as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks.

The Tsukuyomi or God of the Moon technique is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. It is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to initiate a mentally and physically harmful illusion. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The spell takes place in the mind of the one affected, while the jutsu is cast the one it was cast upon is at the total mercy of the Uchiha clan member. The clan member has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of pain. It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can defeat it, this may mean either an Uchiha also holding the Mangekyou or one fully skilled in the three tomoe Sharingan form.

The Susanoo or God of the Sea and Storms technique is generated by both Mangekyou eyes. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyou form to create a sword wielding specter which will surround the user. This specter wields a shield for defense and a blade known as the Totsuka Sword. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a Genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time.

The third Mangekyou technique seen in the series is used by Hatake Kakashi and remains unnamed. With this technique, Kakashi forms a handseal to activate the Sharingan in his left eye and change it into his Mangekyou form. Kakashi then focuses on a point on the body of his target. The area around the target will then begin to warp and collapse in on itself, resulting in that area being quickly "sucked" out of existence and transported to another location.

Ranmaru's Unnamed Bloodline
Character Use: Ranmaru
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Ranmaru was an orphan growing up in the Water Country. What happened to the rest of his clan is unclear, but because he grew up in the Water Country, it is possible they were killed when the populace turned against the bloodlines. His traits include penetrating vision and a unique chakra particle extension. He had the ability to use his vision abilities to penetrate the walls of his small shack and view the outside world. This ability does not appear to have the range of the Byakugan, but it actually has the ability to counter that Hyuuga trait.

Ranmaru's vision grants him a greater ability to see ones' life force, even beyond the Hyuuga's internal chakra perception. This allowed him to determine that Raiga, who had recently fallen in battle, was still alive. This was something Neji's Byakugan could not sense.

Ranmaru could also extend his chakra out in red dust-like particles to create phantoms and hide his own chakra presence. The phantoms appeared to have functionality only when used in conjunction with Raiga's Kirigakure technique. The spectral images could be granted life-like chakra flows to confuse both normal ninja and Neji's Byakugan.

Last edited by Admin on Fri May 09, 2008 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 320
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Doujutu information Empty Re: Doujutu information

Post  Steliana96 Fri May 09, 2008 5:08 pm

Rinnegan - Transmigration Eye
Character Use: Rokudou Sennin, Nagato (Pain)
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Rinnegan is the blood inheritance limit of Rokudou Sennin (Six Realms Sage) and his descendants. Rokudou Sennin was viewed as the original shinobi and his Doujutsu was regarded as the most venerable of the three great Doujutsu. As the original shinobi it was said he created modern Ninjutsu. The Rinnegan was regarded as a god of creation when the world was racked with chaos and as a weapon of destruction which could return everything to nothingness. Usage of the Rinnegan was said to give the user mastery over all six forms of chakra nature manipulation.

The true extent of the Rinnegan abilities are currently unknown. Rain orphan Nagato was an inheritor of the Doujutsu, and used it unconsciously when he was angry and afraid. He entered into a berserk state which allowed him to defeat a much stronger foe. It may be this same ability which allowed him to never lose a battle as "Pain," the leader of the Rain Village rebel faction and Akatsuki. Nagato in the guise of "Pain" also has the ability to switch between six different bodies. Each body that Nagato shares also wields the Rinnegan. When Pain summons the other host bodies to fight alongside him, each Rinnegan host will share the same vision. Meaning what one Pain views, all his other bodies also view, even if their vision is damaged. By increasing the number of Rinnegan host bodies on the battlefield, Pain will increase the number of viewing angles and eliminate any potential blind spots.

Nagato's ability to switch between these host bodies probably gives rise to the "Transmigration" name. This is a cycle of reincarnation and rebirth seen in Hinduism and Buddhism. There are six states of rebirth in the cosmology, representing all the good and bad possibilities of life.

Sharingan - Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)
Character Use: Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary

Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha are said to be descendants of the Hyuuga, with the Byakugan changing into the Sharingan over time. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used. However the clan member cannot copy techniques that are unique to another bloodline and the clan member must have a body capable of meeting the chakra and physical requirements to do the jutsu. This rarely stops the clan member though, as such stressful situations often push their limits farther and allow them to harness their full potential.

The Uchiha clan member is not granted the Sharingan at birth; it is only activated later in life, typically during a time of emotional stress in the heat of battle. The Sharingan itself can be transferred to another non-Uchiha by a medical ninja, such as happened with Leaf ninja Uchiha Obito to his teammate Hatake Kakashi. Because his body was not born to carry the Sharingan, the eye is always activated and it burns Kakashi's chakra when used. To lessen the impact of the Sharingan on Kakashi's body, he normally keeps the eye hidden and out of use. Also of note, is the fact Kakashi, a non-Uchiha, was able to advance the Sharingan from two tomoe to three tomoe after gaining the eye.

The Sharingan itself contains three tomoe (comma). A higher mastery of the Sharingan can be seen in the creation of a new tomoe in the eye, with three tomoe being the typical highest form of the eye. The rare Mangekyou form is a unique evolution of the Sharingan beyond the three tomoe form, please see its entry for more information. An eye possessing two tomoe can allow the Uchiha clan member to track the movement of an opponent and do some minor copying of an opponents attack. For avoiding incoming attacks, the Uchiha's speed and agility will greatly control whether they can move to avoid it. However, three tomoe will greatly help in this area.

Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.

An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there.

Three tomoe also grants the Uchiha the ability to do Genjutsu and hypnosis after locking eyes with an enemy. This can be used to cause their opponent to do an attack of the Uchiha's choosing. This hypnosis can also be used as a Genjutsu counter, which is the ability to turn a Genjutsu spell back upon the original caster without the requirement of forming any handseals.

Doujutsu Techniques
Amaterasu - Goddess of the Sun (Heavenly Illumination) Technique
Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack

Amaterasu, named for the Goddess of the Sun, is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to create a powerful black fire. This jutsu is generated by the right Mangekyou eye. It has been said that anything within the Mangekyou's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire itself is said to burn for 7 days and 7 nights. Because of the amount of chakra needed to use the technique, it can only be used on a very limited basis daily. Though it is regarded as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks, usage of the ability will degrade the eye further and lead the user to blindness.

Tsukuyomi - God of the Moon (Moon Reader) Technique
Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Special Note: Special Bloodline Technique

Tsukuyomi, named for the God of the Moon, is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to generate a powerful illusion. This jutsu is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. This highly advanced technique can not be used extensively because of the toll it places on the user. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The illusion takes place in the mind of the one affected, while under the jutsu the victim is at the total mercy of the user. The user has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of torture.

It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can overcome the illusion. To counter the technique, however, Mangekyou is not required. A highly trained normal Sharingan user can break the illusion, causing the Mangekyou user to experience additional weakness from using it.

Susanoo - God of the Sea and Storms
Character Use: Uchiha Itachi
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack, Defense, Supplementary

Susanoo, named for the God of the Sea and Storms, is a technique which uses the Mangekyou form of the Sharingan eye to create a sword wielding spectral form which will surround the user. This jutsu is generated by both Mangekyou eyes. Susanoo will first form around the user as a skeleton. This skeletal form will then generate muscle and armor for battle and wield both a sword and shield.

The sword is formed out of the sake in the gourd it holds, meaning the sword has no true physical form. This legendary weapon, known as Totsuka's Sword and the Sakegari (Sake Cutting) Long Sword, utilizes the main ability of the jutsu. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a Genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time. It is said the sword is thus the ultimate counter to Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword. The shield is known as Yata's Mirror. It is said this shield can defend against any attack. Together the sword and shield will make the Susanoo user nearly invincible. Like other Mangekyou techniques, usage of Susanoo will damages the eyes and health of the user.

Mangekyou "Implosion" Technique (Unnamed)
Character Use: Hatake Kakashi
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Supplementary

This doujutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to generate an imploding transportation vortex. To begin Kakashi forms a handseal to change his normal three tomoe Sharingan into a new Mangekyou form. He then focuses on an area of his target. The surrounding area will then warp and collapse in on itself, quickly reducing the surrounding area to nothingness. The technique will transport the focused area away to another location. The technique caused a huge strain on Kakashi, utilizing a great deal of chakra. He was able to use the technique twice in succession and then revert back to three tomoe. It is unknown how many times he could use it before total exertion.

Number of posts : 320
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Job/hobbies : Drawing, playng NA
Registration date : 2008-02-07

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